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Within the FaMiLife-project, three sub-themes can be distinguished, for which separate animations were created:

Theme 1. Life courses of first and second-generation immigrants in Europe


This research focused on the life courses of young adults (18-35yrs) of migrant origin in the Netherlands. It specifically concentrated on the demographic dynamics of family life during young adulthood, such as leaving the parental home, living together with a partner, and having children. Different migrant origin groups are studied within this research theme: children with a Turkish, Moroccan, Surinamese and Antillean background and migrants with a Polish background, a more recent migrant group. These migrant groups are compared with native Dutch young adults.


Created by: Bordenstift

Theme 2. The effect of migration on intergenerational solidarity and family ties


Within this research theme, we have studied the regular support of adult children give to their mother or receive from her, addressing questions such as: what does family solidarity look like? Are young adults available for their parents and vice versa? We have considered both practical support (household tasks, moving, lending things, or other chores) and emotional support. The four major non-Western migrant groups in the Netherlands (Turks, Moroccans, Surinamese, and Antillean) have been compared to native Dutch.


Created by: Marc de Leeuw

Theme 3. The effect of migration on the individual life course: an origin and destination perspective


This last research theme investigated the effects of international migration on the individual life course of migrants. Most research compares migrants to native populations in receiving countries, hereby ignoring an important comparison: the comparison between migrants and non-migrants in the country of origin. The key question here is what matters: where you are from or where you settle?


Created by: Olle Zwemmer

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