Das, M., H.A.G. de Valk & E.-M. Merz (2014)
Mothers’ mobility after separation: do grandmothers matter? NIDI Working Paper no. 2014/6. The Hague: NIDI. 28 p.
De Valk, H. A. G., & Díez Medrano, J. (2014)
Guest editorial: Meeting and mating across borders: union formation in the European union single market. Population, Space and Place, 20(2), 103-109.
De Valk, H. A. G., & Díez Medrano, J. (Eds.) (2014)
Special Issue: Meeting and mating across borders: union formation in the European union single market. Population, Space and Place, 20(2).
Groenewold, W.G.F., De Valk, H.A.G., & Van Ginneken, J.K.S. (2014)
Acculturation preferences of the Turkish second generation in 11 European cities. Urban Studies, 51(10), 2125-2142.
Holland, J.A. & H.A.G. de Valk (2014)
Differences in labour force participation by motherhood status among Turkish second generation and majority women across Europe. NIDI Working Paper no. 2014/1. The Hague: NIDI. 36 p.
Kleinepier, T., & de Valk, H. A. G. (2014)
Levensloop van jongvolwassen vrouwen. In R. van der Vliet, J. Ooijevaar, & E. Wobma (Eds.), Jaarrapport Integratie 2014. (pp. 96-115). Den Haag / Heerlen: Centraal Bureau voor de Statistiek.
Kleinepier, T. & H.A.G. de Valk (2014)
Leaving home among migrant-descent and Dutch young adults: parent-child and peer relations. NIDI Working Paper no. 2014/5. The Hague: NIDI. 29 p.
Koelet, S., De Valk, H.A.G., Glorieux, I., Laurijssen, I., & Willaert, D. (2014)
Gezinsverplichtingen in de vroege arbeidsloopbaan. Werk- en gezinstrajecten van jongvolwassenen in Vlaanderen. Sociologos, 35(1/2), 33-59.
Koelet, S. and De Valk, H. A.G. (2014)
European Liaisons? A Study on European bi-national Marriages in Belgium. Population, Space and Place, 20(2), 110–125.
Koelet, S., C. Van Mol & H.A.G. de Valk (2014)
Social embeddedness in a harmonized Europe: The social networks of European migrants with a native partner in Belgium and the Netherlands. NIDI Working Paper no. 2014/11. The Hague: NIDI. 18 p.
Rooyackers, I. N., de Valk, H. A. G., & Merz, E-M. (2014)
Wie helpt wie? Moeders en kinderen in migrantengezinnen. Demos: bulletin over bevolking en samenleving, 30(10), 1-4.
Rooyackers, I. N., de Valk, H. A. G., & Merz, E-M. (2014)
Mother-child relations in adulthood: immigrant and nonimmigrant families in the Netherlands. Journal of Cross-cultural Psychology, 45(4), 569-586.
Van Landschoot, L., Van Bavel, J., & De Valk, H. A. G. (2014)
Estimating the contribution of mothers of foreign origion to total fertility: The recent recovery of period fertility in the Belgian region of Flanders. Demographic Research, 30, 361-376.
Van Mol, C. & H. de Valk (2014)
Relationship satisfaction of European binational couples in the Netherlands. NIDI Working Paper no. 2014/13. The Hague: NIDI. 18 p.